11 October 2011

Queensland State archives

The Queensland state archives are located in Runcorn near Brisbane. The location is along a busy road. There are several methods of reaching the archives such as on foot, by car and bus. The nearby train station of Fruitgrove does mean you have to walk around 3.5 kms, which is an easy walk. The website for the state archives provides directions to the archives if you are walking from the train station.

Before entering the research rooms the people at the desk need your details so you can have a research card, which lasts for life. Before entering the research room it is a requirement for the visitor to both sign on and off in case of emergency. People’s research is made quicker when providing the details of the records before your visit. This is appreciated by the archivist on duty. The retrieval of the item you are after should be at least 15 – 20 minutes.

The state archives hold public records, which are available for researchers like correspondence through local councils and organisations. Examples are proposals for tourism for the area or for a cemetery. There are provided fact sheets about certain topics for the researcher that range from information about shipping, genealogy and the different cemeteries around the state. Maps are also available for viewing as well. For any other records that are not to do with the government, then visiting a local heritage or state library would be of more help.

The archive has a kitchen for coffee and limited food items from a vending machine. An honesty box is provided for a small amount to be placed for coffee or tea.